
Annual Vocations Walk

One autumn morning each year we join with the Knights of Columbus and the public at the St. John Vianney Seminary / St. John Paul II Center to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Denver. There is no cost for the event.

Altar Server Appreciation

There are various ways to recognize altar servers. Pizza parties with awards ceremonies where certificates of appreciation are distributed are popular. The effort of a parish or diocese to take the time to recognize altar servers and their contributions can be a very positive—and much appreciated—gesture.

Affirmation Mass

On the second Thursday of each month, members of the Serra Club of Southwest Denver attend daily mass at one of the 16 parishes affiliated with the club. After mass, we invite the parish pastor, priest, and/or deacons to join us for breakfast at a nearby restaurant.

Student Vocation Night

The Serra Club of Southwest Denver has a religious vocation program designed to assist youth ministers at the parishes offer...