Serra Club of Southwest Denver members are lay Catholic men and women from sixteen parishes in southwest Denver of all ages and all walks of life who endeavor to ensure the future of our Church by creating a “culture of vocations” to promote and foster vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life.
Our mission is three-fold:
- To foster and promote vocations to the ministerial priesthood in the Catholic Church as a particular vocation to service and to support priests in their sacred ministry;
- To encourage and affirm vocations to the consecrated religious life in the Catholic Church;
- To assist club members to recognize and respond, each in their own life, to God’s call to holiness in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit.

Club member activities include attending twice-monthly meetings with speakers focusing on topics to help members better know our Catholic religion and the effects our Church is having throughout the Archdiocese of Denver. We also support activities in our 16 parishes and the Archdiocese to accomplish our mission. Through prayer, participation in group activities, and individually, club members work to achieve our mission goals.
Pontifical Work for Vocations:
Serra International is the only lay organization aggregated to a primary pontifical work. A pontifical work is an organization instituted by the Vatican to advance a particular goal of the Catholic Church. In 1941, Pope Pius XII created the Pontificium Opus Vocationum Sacerdotalium (The Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations) to encourage and coordinate efforts to promote vocations to the sacred priesthood of the Catholic Church. Aggregation, or affiliation, to this pontifical work reflects not only specific support from the Vatican for our mission, but also confers special spiritual benefits on all Serrans.
(From the booklet “Pope Pius XII and Serra International”)
Club meetings
Club members meet every first and third Friday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in the St. Agnes Center at Holy Name Church in Sheridan, Colorado. Breakfast is served and a speaker enlightens us on some aspect of the Church in northern Colorado.
Our Officers
President: Diane Schreiber
Secretary: Karen Mandolfo
Treasurer: Phil Ryman
President-Elect: Ken Krug
Past President: Ken Krug
Chaplain: Deacon Don Schaefer
V.P. Vocations: Stanton La Breche
V.P. Affirmation: Ben Cobos
V.P. Programs: Paul Boucher
V.P. Fellowship: Tony Schaffhauser
V.P. Membership: Vacant
V.P. Communications: Bruce Keller

Saint Junípero Serra
Fr. Junípero Serra, OFM, was chosen as the patron of our apostolate because of his life of priestly zeal and heroic virtue and because of his place in American history as the founder of a chain of missions in Mexico and California.

Our Parishes
Serra Club of Southwest Denver members are lay Catholic men and women from sixteen parishes in southwest Denver of all ages and all walks of life.