The “31 Club” is a prayer program built on the concept of covering every day of the month and year in prayer for vocations. People sign up for one day of the month (for example, the 16th) and on that day each month for a year they attend Mass and/or otherwise pray for priestly and religious vocations. To join this “no dues, no meetings” club, just add your name to the “31 Club Calendar”. Simple, but oh so powerful!

Each parish has its own 31 Club. Parish members (31 or more) each sign up for one day of the month and attend Mass each month on that day to pray for all priests, sisters, brothers, deacons and lay ministers who have served or are serving his or her parish, and pray that future church vocations will be forthcoming from the parish. Alternatively, parish members may attend Eucharistic adoration or recite a rosary if unable to attend mass on their day.